26 July 2010

chbp follow up

well i made it through all three days. i had such a good time hanging out with my friends in the hot hot heat. luckily we were lucky enough to have VIP bracelets which allowed us to take part in shade, food, and free drinks (thanks jenna). 

i didn't get a chance to see all the bands i wanted. that's okay because i did get to watch THE DEAD WEATHER BACKSTAGE which was really the only thing i cared about. unbelievable!!!!

putting photos up soon.

23 July 2010


schedule here.

last year i only attended block party for one day and had a ton of fun. this year thanks to my wonderful friend jenna (who did t-shirts for block party) i'm going for all three days! so anxious for sun, fun, friends and music.

21 July 2010

20 July 2010


season four begins this sunday. i am thrilled. unfortunately i wont be home to watch because i will be at block party watching the dead weather and swooning over jack white. does anyone know if it will be on demand immediately?

dog days for sure.

charles went to the doctor today for a little paw injury. he is not happy about the e-collar he has to wear for the next 14 days. fingers crossed for my sweet pup. twenty ten has been a horrible year for this dog....and my bank account.

19 July 2010


my weeks vacation has come to an end. i'm sitting on my couch, eating a BLT, wishing i hadn't consumed beer or cheese yesterday. you would think i know better by now. here are some photos from my week.

16 July 2010

currently reading

 In the early 1950s, when tattoos were the indelible mark of a lowlife, an erudite professor of English--a friend of Gertrude Stein, Thomas Mann, Andre Gide, and Thornton Wilder--abandoned his job to become a tattoo artist (and incidentally a researcher for Alfred Kinsey). Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos tells the story of his years working in a squalid arcade on Chicago’s tough State Street. During that time he left his mark on a hundred thousand people, from youthful sailors who flaunted their tattoos as a rite of manhood to executives who had to hide their passion for well-ornamented flesh.

Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos is anything but politically correct. The gritty, film-noir details of Skid Row life are rendered with unflinching honesty and furtive tenderness. His lascivious relish for the young sailors swaggering or staggering in for a new tattoo does not blind him to the sordidness of the world they inhabited. From studly nineteen-year-olds who traded blow jobs for tattoos to hard-bitten dykes who scared the sailors out of the shop, the clientele was seedy at best: sailors, con men, drunks, hustlers, and Hells Angels.
bought this from half priced books yesterday.

 description from amazon online.

14 July 2010

fire starter

yesterday morning JR and I woke up to a call from his wonderful neighbor Pam, that his house was on fire in Georgetown.  luckily JR didn't lose anything in the fire but his apartment is currently inhabitable due to smoke and water damage. it's unknown how the fire was started in the vacant unit about him. it's quite ironic that the old guy that lived in that unit for 40 years (and smoked in it for 40 years) had just moved out two weeks prior. we were all worried that if he continued to live there and smoke in the unit he would likely burn the place down. alas, the place caught fire anyway, with him living miles away.
 the smoke detector that saved the day.

video/photo/story below
and here.

12 July 2010

i'm on holiday

the weather has been wonderful.
summer has finally arrived...i hope.

i spent friday and saturday with meg, jackie and corrynn in olympia.
fire pits.
jackie got crunk.
i supplemented my calories from beer for smores instead.
i stuffed me face.
megs pug sophie is the only pug i like.

although today is cloudy my week should be nice.
i intend to catch up on my reading, blogging, sewing, movie watching, sunbathing and all things relaxing.
i see record stores, book stores, beaches, thrift stores, dog walks, and coffee shops in my future. 

if you're in seattle at want to hang, call me.
as usual, i'll probably just being hanging out by myself.

01 July 2010

"when you're strange"

we got netflix for wii. i'm stoked. last night we watched a great documentary about the doors.
watch it.