10 June 2010

stay...put your feet up

last night was some of the best sleep i've had in awhile. i can't remember the last time i woke up so happy for the day. i forgot what "relaxing" felt like. it's been so long. and i'm not exactly "chill" these days. i run on my own schedule and i am more then well aware that it affects whoever i'm around. i've become a little uptight...i suppose. but it's like i said before (or really what a friend said to me)....new cat millions 2010...baby steps. it isn't a lie when i say a most fitting description for me is a walking anxiety attack.

waking up with a little clarity is nice, but strange considering this all came a night of eating teriyaki, watching american psycho and eating some xanax.

i'm going back on the meds.