17 December 2010

nude as the news

twenty ten almost killed me. i won't list all the shitty unfortunate events and changes that made twenty ten what it was, cos boo fucking hoo. most of the events were uncontrollable, but not all. i must take the blame for a couple. and sure there were plenty of good times too (perfect new apartment, job promotion, paid off student loan, good friends, a few new tattoos, my big sis getting engaged, a lot of good books, several adventures).  regardless of the good and the bad, i am ready for twenty eleven. and yeah, it's kind of silly to look forward to a new start just because it's a new year, but that's what's fun about a new year (besides the getting wild with your friends and making/breaking new years resolutions). but i need this.  i am ready for a fresh start, a clean slate. i'm ready to make wiser decisions, less mistakes. i'm ready to get well. i'm ready to relax, and let things be. i'm ready to move on, put this year behind me and wash my hands of it.

i know that not everything will go swimmingly in the new year. and that's ok. i'm not looking for perfection. i just want charles and i (and all those that i love and care for) to be happy and healthy. is that too much to ask?

 so here is to an improved...