01 January 2011

happy new year

last night was perfect. 
the best NYE i've had in years. 
we were wild...in a good way. 

and then a food fight started
word on the street is that if it ends in a food fight it's got to be good.
the food went fast. the music was good. plenty of great things to drink.
we bought hendricks and moet. 
my neighbors probably hate us now. we stomped and yelled and danced.
i'm so ready for this year. 
and i absolutely love being a hostess. 
cooking for people is a rewarding feeling. 
so here's to twenty eleven,
my new years resolution to become a good cook.
i'm on the right track.

thank you kimmy-jackie-brett-kalani-rachel-allison-lea-kathy-corrynn-herman-theo-etc, and a special thanks to the guy who said he would put ten one dollar bills all over my apartment. i've found seven so far. if i could just find the last three...

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