31 January 2011

uwajimaya virgin

i took jim on his first trip to uwajimaya tonight. 
we ate food. 
i made him look at all the hello kitty stuff.
and books. 
and snacks.
i bought a book. 
we watched two episodes of portlandia. 
 ate gummy fruits and worms.
how did this day go by so quickly?

30 January 2011

notes in his pocket

Drunk at the bar at last, last call – my baby’s home on her night off, So I’m involved in a serious talk with a girl I had known growing up. So we buy a six; decide to split – she has a downtown apartment. She opens the door, falls to the floor, says, “I’m bitter sick of sweet and pure, take me now I’m yours.”

Notes in his pockets, rumors in the mill, phone calls after the bars close – unlisted numbers. If she only knew, then he’d be through – but who knows which parts are true. She hates how it looks, but what can she do? The girls all talk behind her back, they say she’s being used.

At Sullivan’s drinking with Justin, he says he’s seen my ex-girlfriend. She’s back in town – and what’s worse – he knows where and when she works. So we head over to the Underwood, she’s trading shots with regulars: She gives me a hugs ‘til our hips are flush, says, “Boy, we’ve hardly kept in touch – it’s time for catching up.”

Notes in his pockets, rumors in the mill. Phone calls after the bars close – unlisted numbers. Still, he insists on his innocence; says those girls are all gossips. She’s gotta drop the axe –catch him in the act – with his shame around his ankles, chain the guilt around his neck.

-the good life



Last night was Jenna's Birthday.

Captain Blacks & HG & My House Of Course

Slipping/Falling. Cigarette burns. Stealing wine from QFC. Chasing and kicking a taxi. Trap doors. Suspenders. Boobs. Kisses. Waffles. Space heater injury. Wedgies. Lipstick application. Broken shot glasses. Broken wine glasses. Puking. Yelling. Climbing ladders. Dancing.

Fuck. I don't even know what else.

 fucking mean girls
birthday girl
bretts first tattoo

and here are a few photos of us at HG Lodge
 thousands of just us.

I don't know if we should hang out anymore guys.

It's almost 6pm. I'm going to bed.

27 January 2011


this has got to be one of the greatest albums of all time.
seriously, this is the jumpoff.
it's making me die for summertime.
bike rides? sun? picnics? swimming? sunbathing? bathing suits?


save the date

my sister is getting married and i just received the save the date the other night when i stopped by her house. i'm super excited for her, and i love her fiance. can someone help me write a speech? i've never had to do this before. I NEED HELP.


thanks jim. 

sick every day

and nothing helps. 

finally had my first appointment with a gastroenterologist. they perscribed stronger pills then i was taking before. i'm on the same nausea pills that cancer patients going through radiation take. i'm still sick. i feel like the worse boss in the world. i can barely make it through a day of work. in eleven days i'll be checking in for a endoscopy and colonoscopy. whoa! not fun. i can't believe they have to shove a huge tube down my throat, while i'm awake! i'd rather pay more money to have an anesthesiologist knock me out, but apparently that isn't an option. my doctor described the procedures as someone "pulling on your insides". as if my insides haven't done enough to me already. in true cat form, i'm of course freaking out. thank you for prescribing me valium.

i'm tired. i can't live like this anymore.

26 January 2011


this is my friend jenna.
she is truly one of my favorite friends.
this weekend it's her birthday.
happy birthday jenna.
getting older sucks.
lets drown our old selves in liquor and root beer floats.

the meaning of this

I hate Jackie's bathroom. When I go to her house I never use it. I'd prefer to go down the hall and use the main bathroom. It's just so small and dark AND has carpet in it. I don't know exactly what it is, I just don't like it. It was nice finding out that I wasn't the only one taking the extra steps to go down the hall.

 People love surprises. They usually just stress me out. Especially if you tell me days in advance that something is coming. Several days ago Jackie and Brett told Jim and I that they had a surprise for us. But it wasn't really for us. Doesn't sound very cool, huh? When I got to Jackie's yesterday I found this posted on the door. I figured the surprise was just beyond that door. Obviously I got excited.
Oh My God. They remodeled the bathroom. It's bright and clean. Hardwoods replaced the carpet. Now it's better then the bathroom down the hall...and we aren't allowed to use it.


When you do dinner with your friends once a week, you always have something to look forward to.

Last night we did dinner at Jackie's house. She got a new cookbook, so it seemed fitting she try some dishes from it. We had our very own barefoot contessa. She made balsamic steak, basil mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad. It was perfect.  Typically dinner is reserved for ladies only, but last night we made an exception and let Jim and Brett eat too. They ended up doing the dishes so it was worth it. Next week we'll go back to "no boys allowed".

We successfully stuffed our faces, polished off six bottles of wine, forgot about the cheesecake I brought (that I'm craving right now). Kimmy went home. We went to the bar. Unplanned shots of tequila on a Tuesday night? And why didn't I get a receipt for my bar tab? I'm too scared to look at my bank account, especially since Jim was spilling drinks all night.

Jackie & Brett: Thanks for letting me sleep on that mattress on the floor. I can't remember the last time I slept so well. I don't know where it came from, otherwise I would have put it back. Also, thank you both for calling me out and telling all my secrets last night. That's what friends are for right?

My head hurts.

22 January 2011


last night i had the worlds greatest root beer float. no joke. you've never had anything so good, even if you think you have. vanilla bean ice cream, alcohol, roofies and god knows what else. somewhere around eleven last night we headed to captain blacks to meet up with more friends. hands down the most fun i've ever had there i believe. they shut the bar down at closing time, but we stayed an extra couple hours until 4am drinking, dancing, singing, and eating floats.
thank you marcus for the floats and after hours fun even tho i look pissed.

not a care in the world.
reliving it(x1000) again next saturday for jenna's birthday.
make sure you're there. 
there's gonna be a clown and a chocolate fountain...i think. 

19 January 2011


I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog.
And possibly making it private. 
So send me your email address so I can invite you.
I'm sick of feeling like I can't put certain things up. 
Don't be offended if I don't send you an invite. 
It doesn't mean I don't like you. 


hanging out in the north end isn't always so bad

i don't know what i like more, happy endings or sad ones? Movies always seem less satisfying to me if it has a perfect happy ending. Am I the only one? We saw Blue Valentine last night. I liked it.


Oh yeah, I almost forget, we also went to the bookstore. NEW BOOK.

monday night dinners continue

OK! You're probably sick of hearing about my obsession with learning to cook and having dinner parties. I GET IT! But I can't help but talk about it. It's typically the highlight of my week EVERY WEEK. I just moved into my new home in November and seeing the progression from having other people cook for me in my own kitchen to me cooking for them has been exciting and rewarding...and expensive. But at least I can say I'm poor for a better reason now. And even if the food doesn't turn out great, you still have friends and wine and you can't go wrong with that.

This Monday was a more relaxed dinner session. We were all pretty tired. I was still hungover from Saturday night so we actually bought a rotisserie chicken, jackie made delicious green beans, and Kimmy made some tasty potatoes. My contribution existed of sitting at the kitchen table watching...and drinking.

Please don't ask why she's washing potatoes in the bathroom.
Not enough.
When you don't wear an apron...

By the time dinner was over more friends were on their way. I guess we weren't finished having fun yet. Our relaxed Monday night dinner turned into a hang out session/visit to my local bar.
cucumber catastrophe 
We started the invitation for fourth of july. 

I think I'm over being a hermit...maybe.

16 January 2011

happy house


sworn to fun loyal to none

although some things are a bit hazy, last night was FUN. i have successfully wasted the entire day laying in bed, and will probably go to bed soon just to catch up on the one hour of sleep i think i got.

this morning i woke up to broken glass in the living room, bruises all over my arms and legs, missing phone, missing glasses, socks in the toilet, screens off the windows, numerous empty bottles of champagne, vomit in front of my house (who did it?) and other messes. the couches were pushed together again so that jackie and brett could share the one blanket we have in the house.

i suppose its to be expected. bus stop. redwood. crescent. my house. if we went anywhere else i don't remember. i would put some of the video up, but its just to embarrassing for everyone.

and can someone please tell me why i have nasty bruises everywhere? seriously! i'm in pain.

thanks for all the fun last night: jackie, jenna, brett, jim, adam and ryan